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Here I step through some of my projects and explain the process.

Painting Henry

This is my first painting I ever finished. I often give things as gifts because it helps keep me accountable to finish a project. If it's for someone else I'm tenacious as a dog. I finally figured out how to transfer a drawing super (relatively) easily and have been running with it ever since. Thanks YouTube!

I first paint a backdrop to the canvas trying to mimic my reference as close as possible. Once I'm satisfied with it, I apply the transfer layer and scratch away. This took several weeks of work in my spare time. Pretty much nonstop whenever I had a moment to work while not working. I had fun with it though.

This took several weeks of work in my spare time.

Layers. Painting works in layers. At least that's what I kept telling myself while freaking out because it looked like crap. The scariest part was painting the blade handle because I painted a bright white pattern down first which looked crazy. I then dry brushed over dark greys and black to dull it down and my goodness it kind of worked.

I hope I never screw up so bad I have to strip it.

There's a joke in there somewhere. I learned less is sometimes definitely more. Lashes are way harder to paint than sketching. Also, I found a little touch of pink around the eyelids really helps him look like less of a zombie.

I eventually called time for the finish.

Which was quite difficult to do but I had an x-mas deadline! Man I miss my old apartment island. It was the perfect workbench for pretty much everything. I scrounged up what I could find to hold the painting up off the island and what seemed like wouldn't stick to the cured resin. Red solo cups actually worked surprisingly well.

I used a piece of wood to level out the painting in one corner. I'm convinced wood eats resin. The small piece of wood sealed to the resin on the backside of the canvas and was pretty much impossible to remove without damaging the painting. Which I did. On the backside though and I tried to fix a cut in the canvas by sealing it with more resin. It kinda worked and either way that side touches the wall so no visual disturbance. I do wonder how it will hold up over time though.

Ari Pantoja

I enjoy making anything that may come to me as a good idea. I'm constantly thinking of new ways to solve a problem or create something (hopefully) beautiful and cool.