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Here I step through some of my projects and explain the process.


I wanted to make a challenge for my new Prusa MK4 3D printer. I decided I wanted to make a small office trash can, partially out of necessity and mostly why not? I've always had a thing for the geometric designs so I imagined this trashcan having a honeycomb type pattern cut out throughout the whole trashcan.

To create the shape of a trashcan, I created a tapered cylinder that, as trashcans do, gets wider towards the top. This was done by creating 2 different size circles, stacked vertically at the distance apart of the desired height of the trashcan. I used the Loft tool to create the taped cylinder between the 2 different sized circles and shelled it out to make the "can".

I created 2 hexagons in Fusion to use as a pattern on the tapered cylinder. These were then extruded from the cylinder. I then used Rectangular Pattern tool to create a pattern the length of the trashcan height.

Then I used "Pattern on Path" to repeat the pattern along the path of the circle.

It isn't entirely perfect but I was limiting myself to get this created and printing in less than 2 hours. Goal achieved.

Printing was quite the challenge, or at least I made it that way. I wanted to see just how large I could get one print on this new printer. It was an insane amount of hours (around 20 if I remember correctly) and I just let it go. Here was the result.

So much wasted filament it was almost painful.

Unfortunately, as you can see there are clear gaps where the filament either stopped extruding briefly or the layers just separated. So I resolved to splitting this into 3 different prints and super glueing the parts together. Not ideal but it's what had to be done.

Of course I had to add the logo!

Once finished, I had a solid brand new little office trashcan that is way cooler (and custom) than what I could've wasted money on at the store. Maybe I'll make one taller and wider than 11" x 8" one day! That will likely take more than 2 hours of design and 3 prints!

Ari Pantoja

I enjoy making anything that may come to me as a good idea. I'm constantly thinking of new ways to solve a problem or create something (hopefully) beautiful and cool.